Take Care of Your Pet.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Dog Food Secrets.

 Discover The Deadly Secret The Dog Food Industry Spends Millions To Make Sure You Never Find Out..

These days we hear so many news about poisoned dog foods.
Many of the dog food we find from the store are loaded with slaughterhouse waste, poisonous material, rubbish fillers, heavy metals, pesticides,
herbicides, additives, preservatives and other
injurious chemicals which can take life our dog in a very small period of time.

As a responsible dog holder, we should find out how to read those hard and complex canned dog food labels - or best yet feed your dog with a vigorous, well-balanced home made dog food.

So what is a healthy, steady diet for your dog?

A strong, well-balanced diet includes healthy animal fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fiber.

An essential object to remember when preparing these healthy, well-balanced diet meals for your dog is - what can be fed raw and what cannot. For example:-

You should not give food to your dog uncooked vegetables and meaty bones, as it is not only unnatural but can be injurious for your dog.

Raw bones are fine for your dogs, especially raw brisket bones or mutton flaps, as your dog wants to really use its teeth to crack, crush and tear these down to small pieces - which helps to progress their gums and teeth through this achievement.

Cooked bones (especially chicken bones) on the other hand, can block your dog's digestive tract or even pierce through their intestine. Avoid salty or spicy food and never give food to your dog large quantifies of cooked onions or large quantities of fresh meat. Everything should be 
moderate. Last but not least is to maintain your dog active. Same as we humans, a healthy, well-balanced diet plus exercise will stay us fit for life! Read more..

"Here's One of the Recipes FREE!" 

 Source: http://EzineArticles.com/

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