Take Care of Your Pet.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Healthy Food For Dogs: Homemade Recipes.

Dog food companies spend billions in advertising and control vet schools via sponsoring. They will do everything to make sure you don't realize homemade dog food is infinitely better for your animal!!!
Give your dog the best food he deserves! 
You'll know, in a moment, exactly how to feed your dog, easily and inexpensively, to quickly get ASTONISHING results...
John Miller shares with you 50 years of MAJOR experiences, never told methods and INSTANTLY VALUABLE recipes that brought him, case after case, a Complete Triumph!

Discover how to unlock your dog's full potential. Know how to simply skyrocket your dog up to new mind-blowing levels of beauty, health and admiration... 
...No matter what kind of results your getting (or not
getting) up to now with ordinary dog food...
...No matter if your dog is big or small, young or old.
John gives you never revealed before recipes that give your dog NO OTHER CHOICE but to explode in vitality and beauty... and avoid veterinarian big expenses! 

Is your dog the NEXT champion or the next VICTIM?
50 years ago, John Miller wanted to improve his dogs growth. After analyzing commercial dog food formulas, he found they were (and still are) ALL loaded with unhealthy chemicals.
John developed better recipes himself and tried them on his own dogs... using healthier ingredients... 
He couldn't believe how fast his dogs health and behavior improved. And most important, he also he reduced his dog food expenses by 50%.

Happy with his discoveries he tried, over the years, hundreds of new recipes in order to see their effects on dog health and growth. 

From these experiences, he created dozens of amazing recipes that make dogs grow faster and stronger... without using harmful commercial products with mineral deficiencies which is the basic reason behind lots of dog's health serious problems.

Because John's recipes were so easy to do and so effective, 
multinational companies offered him tons of money for his recipes but they clearly asked for his silence!

Good for us, John is a man of principles and he always turned down money (no matter the amount) from these companies for his SILENCE! 

In fact, John wants you to know how to have a healthier dog, without spending a fortune on low quality products, or even poisoning it. 

After years of new improvements, he reveals --FOR YOUR OWN USE-- the best recipes to transform your dog into the healthiest dog of your dreams. Read more..

Dog Training Course

Every dog and every dog owner has his or her own unique dog training challenges. Each breed of dog has a different temperament as does each individual dog. And dog owners are no different. Despite the differences, there are some basic things in common for training all dogs.
No matter why you have a dog, he should at least have some very elementary dog training. No one wants a dog who isn't housebroken, who runs away or into the street, who won't sit, come or stay when you want him to. Both you and your dog will be happier with a little common ground on obedience training.
One of the first things to take into account when dog training is that dogs are programmed for a world of leaders and followers. You have to be the leader in your relationship. Signs of a leader are absolute consistency. Know what you want your dog to do and keep that constant from day to day and training session to training session. Don't shout. That is a sign that you have lost control. And keep your dogs attention focused on you during the entire training session.

Attention is the second important thing to keep in mind for dog training and one of the hardest to maintain. It has been said that ninety percent of dog training is getting and keeping his attention. Dogs are very much like small children and have short attention spans. Keep training sessions short - 20 minutes is fine, or even a couple of 10 minute sessions. Work with your dog in a quiet environment that is free of distractions. Talk to your dog in a quiet voice. Use his name and explain what you want him to do. He may understand no more than, "Blah blah blah, Toby", but your voice will keep him focused in your direction.

Experts have found that positive dog training is more effective that a system of rewards and punishment. A dog who looks forward to training sessions as fun and full of rewards is a dog who will learn faster and better. Reward accomplishments with treats or words of praise or pats. As your dog learns new skills, you can reward him for each step along the way. If he doesn't respond the way you want, rethink what you are asking him to do and how you are asking him to do it. What worked as a dog training method for one dog may not work as well for the next. Your dog may need to review some more basic dog training lessons before going on to new lessons. Rather than punishment, a stern NO, blocking a movement with your hands, or withholding rewards when he doesn't perform, and remaining consistent are the best ways to encourage your dog to exhibit the behavior you want. Remember that it is in his nature (as well as yours) to want to test limits and see how much he can get away with. Consistency in dog training and rewards are what get positive results, not punishments.

Dogs are very much like us. They want to follow a leader they respect. And dog training is just like school. They like to do things that are fun and make them feel good, where they get rewards for accomplishing what is asked of them. And they want the same thing their owners want, a happy and safe relationship with the ones they are love. A little dog obedience training will go a long way in making this happen. Read more..

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/116772

Dog Training Academy

“You’re here because your dog or puppy’s not doing what you want, right?”
No matter what problems you're having, The Online Dog Trainer is the solution. My video website will give you the right info, tools and confidence to correct ANY dog behaviour – and get your puppy off to the best start. It's the most complete training possible, PLUS I'll be there to guide you and tailor-make your success program.
You can't learn how to train your dog just by reading about it... these people have been able to see and hear it being done so they could copy the exact body language and tone of voice I use. They've watched and re-watched the videos, at home or on the walk, and removed all frustrations while rapidly increasing the speed of their dog's learning!
No more hunting for breed specific solutions. This amazing method works with all breeds, ages, shapes and sizes and covers everything you'll ever need to know.

There are many areas in which one could train your dog. Some of these areas are purely for recreational activities. For instance, you may want your dog to do tricks like rollover or give paw, etc. These are just for bragging rights really, see how clever my dog is. However, there is a more serious side to training. Here you would need some more advanced dog training tools or advice. This type of training involves, maintaining control of your dog when out in public or in your own home when strange people are visiting, for instance. Heaven knows what a badly behaved dog can get up to if not kept in check. Bad dog behavior can cost their owners dearly, so it is advisable to focus on these aspects of dog training. Here are a few of the basics with regards to dog training. As we all know this is quite a vast topic, so we will cover some more well known dog behavior problems. There are plenty of, paid for,and worth every cent, professional instructional guides out there. Lets take a look at some of these bad dog behavior issues which require training of your dog, now.

This type of dog training tool should not be abused, for example when you want time out from your pet dog. Crate training should be used to properly house train your dog. You may also want to familiarize your dog with the crate for those times when he will be travelling with you on a airplane for instance. The idea is to confine the dog to the crate for a short period of time, lets say 1 hour. Upon release from the crate you should take the dog outside to allow him to do his business. If the dog does his business then a reward in the form of a healthy dog treat or lavishing them with affection is in order. Once again, we see here good behavior associated with reward. Quick pointers here, always be at home when using the crate, do not lock the dog in the crate overnight, make sure the dog is comfortable in the crate. Never allow the crate to be seen as a form of punishment for your dog. Dogs react instinctively and as such, should not be shouted at or beaten for doing what comes naturally. Always bear this in mind when your dog has done something which we humans just do not understand. There is usually some good dog reason for doing whatever he has done.

 If your dog is pulling your arm out of its socket every time you take him walkies, its time for proper leash training. You need to assume control of your dog when he is on the leash. Never allow your dog to get over excited when he sees the leash or becomes aware that you are going to take him for a walk. If necessary make your dog sit and stay whilst you go and open the door. Then come back, put on his leash, only if he has behaved and listened to your commands. Repetition is key here, if you want to be rid of his over zealous behavior. Also, as long as your dog is in this hyped up state he will not listen to any commands you may give him. Whilst walking your dog, you should always be in control. The dog should not be leading you around. By all means let the dog sniff about and so forth, but not throughout the whole walk. Also, if he does not refrain from pulling, then make him sit and stay next to your side until he understands that you are the Alpha Dog and are therefore in charge. The dog will soon come to understand that his walk will be stopped each time he pulls.
Check out the 34 most common behavioral issues. Read more..

Saturday, February 14, 2015

How To End Cat Behavior Problems

In order to effectively train your cat, you must understand the way cats think – and what drives their actions.
Cats and dogs do not think alike, and trying to use the same training methods on a cat that you would use on a dog will only backfire and cause more behavior problems.

Cats have completely different instincts and react differently to situations than dogs do. Yelling or physically punishing a cat will only make them fear you, rather than solve behavior problems.
However, there is one learning method cats, dogs, and even people do have in
common - and that is classical conditioning. In other words, they learn to associate certain behaviors with certain outcomes.

Cats learn that certain actives result in positive rewards, so they continue to do them over and over again. Other actions cause negative outcomes, so they avoid them.
So, what is the difference between this and simply punishing your cat? Won't yelling at your cat when they do something wrong make them associate the behavior with a negative outcome?
Not necessarily.

It might, but wouldn't it better if your cat associated their bad behavior with the negative consequence, rather than associating the negative consequence with you?
In other words, wouldn't you rather they learn that scratching the couch causes an unpleasant consequence, instead of them fearing you and only scratching the couch when you are not around?
This is one of the most important things for you to understand when it comes to teaching your cat to do what you want – and for stopping unwanted behaviors.

There are many ways to train your cat and end bad cat behavior without ever having to touch them.
Introducing my eBook "Cat Behavior Secrets Revealed"
Whether your cat is acting out because of stress, a medical condition, or simply doesn’t know what you expect…the result is enough to drive you up the wall. But now you can finally end this frustrating behavior.

Straight to the point, no-fluff real world solutions to cat behavior problems, that truly work. Solve anything from litter box problems, biting, spraying, scratching, keeping you up at night, chewing on cords, jumping on the table, and more. If it's not in the book, and I don't know the answer myself, simply email me and I'll find the solution for you.

Save money by ending cat behavior problems for good. No more carpet cleaning bills, having to buy new (or repair) furniture, buying boxes of band aides and neosporin for all those bite marks, or replacing chewed up cords.

Save time by having all the answers you need in one easy location. No more searching the web for hours, trying dozens of different solutions without knowing if they'll really work. If any other questions or a different behavior problem comes up in the future, you can always conveniently refer back to the eBook for answers.

Get it FAST. Because this resource is available as a digital download, you get it immediately. You can start correcting unwanted behavior in a matter of minutes.

Safe and effective. Hundreds of perfectly behaved cats and their happy owners would agree. Some of the information out there is not only incorrect and useless, but can actually be downright dangerous to your cat. As one example, I've seen people suggesting that moth balls be used to keep cats away from areas they are not wanted. However, moth balls are extremely toxic to cats! Read more about cat secrets.

How to Build An Aviary

The average aviary costs $700 to buy, with high end aviaries costing over $2000 or more. During these tough economic times, you just can’t afford to throw away this amount of money. 

But if you choose to build an aviary yourself, you can cut costs by up to 80%. 

If you buy a factory made aviary, it will just be an overpriced assembly kit that still requires construction anyway. So you’re just paying for massively overpriced materials. 


But building your own aviary can be completed in a weekend using only the most basic tools and materials. All that is needed is the correct step-by-step plans. 

It’s fun too, you can get your family and friends involved or if you decide to go solo, they’ll be impressed with your efforts. 

ou’ll get a real sense of accomplishment - creating something with your own two hands. This isn’t computer work, which disappears when powered off – it’s something substantial which will last for years to come. 

Ask yourself, what would be a more valuable use of your time: spending the weekend watching TV (
like most Americans!) or deciding to achieve something you can be proud of?


Oh, and don’t forget the birds! Caged birds cannot fly – this affects them both physically and emotionally. But an aviary gives them the space to do what nature intended. Any caged bird which gets upgraded to an aviary will undergo a remarkable transformation, in both health and happiness. Read more..

How to Properly Care For a Bearded Dragon

The bearded dragon species of reptiles are native to Australia, and are found in the central and inland locations of Australia. Beardies that are sold in pet stores are generally bred in captivity, in contrast to being captured in the wild as they are only found in Australia. Understanding the natural habitat for the lizards is important in providing the proper care for them, and the housing structure for the dragons should recreate their natural habitat.
They are naturally found in arid areas that are either semi-desert types or open woodland type, which produce high temperatures suitable for the bearded lizards. One should thoroughly research bearded dragon care before purchasing one as a pet, listed below is a complete overview of the basic care requirements that must be provided in order for the reptiles to be healthy.
Cage or Housing Structure
A standard reptile cage or vivarium will suffice for containing the bearded dragon, though adequate space must be provided. For young dragons that are less than six inches in length, a twenty gallon aquarium will provide reasonable accommodations; where an adult will require twice the space as a young bearded lizard. Naturally, bearded dragons enjoy perching on rocks and high places to prove its dominance; which means the cage should provide room for it to move around and climb up to a considerable height to perch. The cage should be designed to create the look of the natural habitat, and provide the proper living conditions. A substrate should be placed in the bottom of the cage, and certain guidelines apply to the substances placed in the cage.
It is important for the owner to regularly clean the cage to help prevent and sickness or disease from occurring, cage cleaning includes the removal of uneaten insects and waste. The cage should also provide a means of picking up the bearded dragon through the side of the cage, versus lifting it out from the top; further explained in the handling and care section of this guide.
Substrate Composition
The substrate is material placed in the cage that the bearded dragon will live on; an example of substrate is carpet, as humans walk on it in their home. There are many options for the type of substrate to use, though certain considerations should be taken into account when making a selection.

Sand: One of the most controversial substrates, as it is not commonly used for beardies. The sand is said to cause impaction in the young as they ingest the sand while feeding, which makes sand a bad choice for young dragons; though some have been known to use sand without it causing any harm, it is not recommended.
Newspaper: The cheapest substrate to use and it is also the most available for consistent use. The newspaper substrate is easily maintained and inexpensive to dispose of and replace. The only drawback is the appearance of the newspaper, which also reduces the similarity to the natural habitat.
Ceramic Tiles: Ceramic tiles may be used as a substrate, and they are easily cleaned and maintained. The benefit of using ceramic tiles is the heating capability of the tiles, which would provide the optimum basking area for the dragon.

Temperature & Lighting
A temperature gradient is required for a healthy, active bearded dragon; proper lighting and photoperiods are required as well. The bearded lizards are Thermoregulation reptiles, meaning they heat and cool their body to maintain the optimum temperatures. The dragon must be provided with a basking area that ranges from 90 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit, and a shaded are that ranges from 75 to 85 degrees. A constant temperature throughout the cage is unhealthy for bearded dragons, and temperatures that fall below 80 to 95 degrees will produce undesirable health effects.
Proper lighting is required to emit UV-A and UV-B rays of light, and should be timed to recreate the natural photoperiods the bearded dragons are accustomed to. This diurnal reptile requires light and dark periods depending on the season; the dragons are most active in spring and the photoperiod should be set for twelve hours of light and twelve hours of darkness. The photoperiod may be created by manually turning of the lights each day, or using an automated light control timer. Despite the quality of artificial lighting used, bearded dragons should still be occasionally exposed to sunlight because of the level of UV-B rays emitted from the sun.

Food & Feeding Guide
There are many commercially produced products that may be used to feed the bearded dragons, though they might be hesitant to eat it. The bearded dragons prefer live food, and live meals have been proven to be the best for the bearded dragons care. The proper amount of nutrients and vitamins must be consumed by the dragons, especially with young dragons. This makes crickets a popular choice for feeding, as they are small and may easily be gut loaded.
Gut loading, commonly accomplished with crickets, is the act of feeding insects vegetables that are high in vitamins and nutrients; the gut loaded insect is then fed to the dragon and the dragon receives the nutrients and vitamins that were gut loaded. When using crickets it is important to gut load them the night before the crickets are going to be fed to the dragons, as high levels of vitamins can easily kill crickets. The crickets are commonly used because they will eat anything, simplifying the gut loading process; they also provide fat and proteins that are essential for bearded dragons. Read more..

Source: http://EzineArticles.com

5 Ways to Stop Your Cat Peeing Problems

1) Make sure something isn't seriously wrong with your cat. If you cat has suddenly started behaving in this way it might be worth taking him/her for a checkups with the vet. Cats are very good at hiding little illnesses and urinary tract infections can produce unpleasant reactions for that cat. The most common is that he/she will equate going to the litter box with a pain sensation. Thus the cat may be peeing elsewhere to try and alleviate this pain.

 2) Have there been any changes to the household? Cats, like people hate sudden changes in their environment. if these changes are severe enough, cat peeing problems can develop. If a new cat has entered the household, your cat might feel threatened and ill at ease when using the litter box and thus might seek refuge in another part of the house to do her business. To solve this, give the cat a room in the house (or even a section of a room) that the other cat is not permitted to enter. By building up trust in this section of the house she will feel more confident in using the litter tray.

3) Your cat's preferences might've changed. As a young kitten the cutesy litter box you bought for her might have been sufficient, but as she has grown her tastes and needs have changed. If the litter box has a lid try removing it. It is often the case that by peeing elsewhere your cat is trying to tell you that something is wrong with her environment and it is up to you to find out what.

4) Try and stay one step ahead. Cat peeing need not be the bain of your life. When you cat pees somewhere unusual try moving the litter box to where she had her last movement. Cats are contentious, and will often return to the scene of an accident. If the cat then subsequently finds that the mess is gone and instead her familiar litter try is in its place than she may start using the litter try instead.

5) Train your cat to use a human toilet. If you have plenty of time on your hands this method could be the answer to your cat peeing problems forever. The easiest way to train your cat to use a human toilet is to use 'incremental training'. This involves slowly changing your cats behaviour towards the actions you desire. This process can be done over a month or two. The most important thing to remember when doing this is to take the process very slowly and entirely at your cats pace. Firstly you need to start by slowly moving the litter box closer and closer to your toilet. You need to move it slowly over the course of a week or two to help your cat get used to using the litter box next to the toilet. This process is painfully slow, and may well take a lot longer than a few weeks, but it is well worth sticking to. Once your cat has been using the litter box next to the toilet for a couple of weeks, slowly start to raise the litter box up, a little each week until the height is the same as the toilet seat. This process is fraught with difficulties, not least how to convince your cat to climb ever higher for its litter box. My solution is to be creative. Try and carefully construct a ramp that you cat can climb up or some stacks of books. The last thing you want is for your cat to associate going to the loo with having to jump ever higher. This can exacerbate cat peeing problems! If all goes well you can move the litter box on top of the toilet and then insert a litter box that sits into the rim of the toilet. (this will put your toilet out of action for a few days so please only do this if you have more than one toilet!!). Once your cat gets used to this, carefully remove it and hopefully, if all has gone well, your cat will now be independent! Read more..

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1127709

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